Actor when collides with other actor doesn't destroy

kresot9kresot9 Member Posts: 5

Hey all

I have my platform game, with my player versing a boss, my boss shoots at the direction of the player and when the bullet collides with the player it dies and respawns but, when the bullet hits the player it doesn't destroy itself making the player take the bullet twice in a row when it respawns instantly, i have a rule for the collision on both player and bullet, i unchecked the death for the player and the bullet does destroy but when i re-enable death for the player it doesn't.

The death for my player is just when collides it destroys actor, and records some life information for life points and respawns actor.



  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    edited May 2015

    You might have to set up a boolean for eg collide with bullet self.dead to true if self.dead = true do .....

    I'm not a fan of having 2 actors that both destroy upon collision as it can go wrong as you have found so make a self boolean in one of the actors and it should help.

    You could also add a timer if self.dead = true after 0.1 seconds destroy.

  • kresot9kresot9 Member Posts: 5

    Thanks for the help, although it hasn't fixed the problem, it still occurs even when i made a Boolean for the collision and if true, destroy. i just do not know why

  • kresot9kresot9 Member Posts: 5

    Actually now that i have done it again created the boolean and all gamesalad just crashes im using the pc version

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