@Approw said:
jdlcrater Well, it really depends. one persons says it looks like a dog, I say it looks like a strange robot, why not just refining your first design? the second one looks forced to be a cool character, so I stick with the first one;) however, I have no clue what your game is about, so maybe the second one fits better:)
@JimmyMesser Not at the moment. In a couple weeks my FLAG BATTLES will be out on GS arcade. It is a good learning experience. Here are some screenshots (WIP) And the baddy you and ogre helped me with!
Looking good! Thought about using a Heath bar? Or image replication? And maybe putting all of that on some kind of futuristic info bar
ogreofwartHello Everybody on the Gamesalad Planet. I come in peace, warts'n'all!!! Lancashire UKMemberPosts: 281
Yeah a health bar would look good, you'd only need three to five images. Full, half, nearly empty. Perhaps flashing when nearly up. Shouldn't be too hard to incorporate as you must have the basic rules there in place.
Looking good! wouldn't want to be chased down by that fellow
Thanks @Approw. Yes the second fits better.
Another great one!
It gets better with the constrains!
Although, that might be too much.
The bottom half looks a little too square compared to the head and "tendrils??"
I like the head though.
Tendrils? lol. I will remove the horns. Thanks for helping me
Thats what this place is all about, help someone now, and get help yourself later when you need it.
Yes! @ogreofwart I will try to help you as much as possible! Thanks so much
I would turn it into a flying monster. get rid of the legs
Nah, if I had a screen recorder you would see how cool it is now
@JimmyMesser Did you pixelate the spider turret?
Yeah, looks !@#$% I rushed it. lol
Looks good to me @JimmyMesser
Slightly better.
I now want that! Lol. Great job
Here he is shooting.
@JimmyMesser that is cool my fellow artist friend.
Prepping for a tutorial on animation at the moment.
Great job! I will watch that when it comes out! I'm pretty sure I could learn a lot from you
Haha, I really need to start pushing forward with my game soon.
I'm glad GS gives us a free version to learn and get the bugs out of the way.
I want to try and make a living with my own games not sure how realistic that is!
Do you have any games out I can check out?
@JimmyMesser Not at the moment. In a couple weeks my FLAG BATTLES will be out on GS arcade. It is a good learning experience. Here are some screenshots (WIP) And the baddy you and ogre helped me with!

Looking good! Thought about using a Heath bar? Or image replication? And maybe putting all of that on some kind of futuristic info bar
Yeah a health bar would look good, you'd only need three to five images. Full, half, nearly empty. Perhaps flashing when nearly up. Shouldn't be too hard to incorporate as you must have the basic rules there in place.
Something like this would be cool.
I have setup, a similar thing in my game, only takes one image for the life replicate.
That's a really good little graphic Jim, very understandable and tidy. :1
Just put it together, took 5 mins
Lol maybe I should sell game elements to build enough money for GS pro lol
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