
TinobossTinoboss Member Posts: 37
edited May 2015 in Working with GS (PC)

i made a table for a shop in my game, and im trying to get an actor that displays whats in the first colum and the first row in my table. this is what i have in the display text spot *balloon Shop *..tableCellValue(, 1, 1) what am i sopposed to put there?


  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    *balloon Shop *..tableCellValue(, 1, 1)

    To display the first row and column, you would use tableCellValue(tableName, row, col). So if your table is called then it would be tableCellValue(,1,1). Be sure to select from the attribute browser rather than typing it in.

    To concatenate (join) text to the result, make sure the text is in quotes:

    "balloon shop "..tableCellValue(,1,1).

    Are you using a Mac or PC?

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  • TinobossTinoboss Member Posts: 37
  • TinobossTinoboss Member Posts: 37

    i took a screenshot but it will not let me put it here to show you @tatiang

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    It's best to post in the "Working with GS (PC)" sub forum then. I'll move this for you.

    You can upload a screen shot to a file-sharing site and then embed or post the link here.

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  • JimmyMesserJimmyMesser LondonMember Posts: 235

    @Tinoboss said:
    i made a table for a shop in my game, and im trying to get an actor that displays whats in the first colum and the first row in my table. this is what i have in the display text spot *balloon Shop *..tableCellValue(, 1, 1) what am i sopposed to put there?

    I Just had a similar issue with my tables and I can tell you right now, it's the space just before your number ones. ..tableCellValue(, 1, 1)

    Delete them and your problems are over. Seems GS doesn't like spaces... who knew?



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