Why does GS lag whenever sound is played?

SLOCM3ZSLOCM3Z Member Posts: 797
edited April 2015 in Working with GS (PC)


This morning I recorded a sound on my pc with the sound recorder app(I have a better method just wanted to see if the sound would work). It was saved as a .wma file and then I changed it to an .ogg file and loaded it into GameSalad creator. It was fine until I made the playsound rule and then it started acting funky. Every time the sound should have played it lagged and after 3 seconds, crashed. This is my rule in the soldier actor-
{When "All" is happening-
touch is pressed
attribute game.Ammo > 0
'Every 0.1'
play sound :MGs1:
Please help.

Best Answer

  • noahbnoahb Posts: 8
    Accepted Answer

    Did you set the timer to "run to completion"

    This is the first thing I try whenever I am working with timers. Especially if your "Ammo" attribute is changing rapidly or repeatedly.


  • SLOCM3ZSLOCM3Z Member Posts: 797
    edited April 2015

    Cool. Thanks @noahb. It works now. Now what kind of sound file or editor do you use? Now the sound won't even play

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