Incorporating Free Gifts for App Reviews/Rating?

RPMGamesRPMGames Member Posts: 21
edited April 2015 in Working with GS (PC)

Hey guys I was thinking of adding a pop up asking for a rating/reviews in return for a free gift (Coins for in app purchases). But this got me thinking in a way that players would just do a senseless review to just get the free gift. Like a one start rating and a one word review. This would obviously attract more people to review your app, but I was thinking you would get a lot of senseless people putting one star ratings because they don't care and just want the free gift.

So the question is do any of you guys have an app in the app store that have this type of system in there game? If so is it for the better, like do you get good ratings, or are they bad? Thanks guys!

Best Answer

  • jsorr2jsorr2 Posts: 279
    Accepted Answer

    There's no way to tell if someone actually rates your app. They just click the rate button in your game, then you give them the reward.
    Also, it's against the rules to do that in amazon or google play, and your app will be removed if they find out,


  • RPMGamesRPMGames Member Posts: 21

    Thank you, I'm only planning on publishing to the apple store only at the moment.

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