(Updated) Stable Patch 0.13.7b- FireTV Media Button, iOS Simulator Support and Fixes
Stable Release 0.13.7b- FireTV Media Button Support and Fixes
Added support for the Fire TV media and back buttons on the Fire TV remote and gamepad for use as gamepad buttons. This will give you more buttons to use for Fire TV Remote games.
The buttons are mapped as follows:
- Back - SELECT (Note: If "App quits on controller back button." is selected at publishing, this will not work)
- Rewind - Left Shoulder 1 (L1)
- Play/Pause - Left Stick Click (L3)
- Fast Forward - Right Shoulder 1 (R1)
iOS Viewer can now be run in iOS Simulators (requires XCode 6.2 or higher)
Fixed a potential crash when loading projects in the Android viewer
Fixed a crash when re-launching an Android app a second time after backing out of the app.
- Fixed sounds not pausing on hibernate on Kindle and Fire TV devices.
Also includes all the features and fixes form 0.13.7
This update does NOT require a new creator please republish or regenerate you apps to take advantage of this update
Thanks @BlackCloakGS and the GS Team. I will give it a try.
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@BlackCloakGS - I've just posted this elsewhere, but will post here too.
The Media Button Support has resulted in my app being rejected. I hadn't made use of them so will try mapping something to them to see if that sorts the issue.
Also, I'm still being rejected for the audio not stopping on hibernate. Music stops fine for me, but audio files continue to play or loop endlessly. I'll try a work around for this too.
Here's my full rejection (3rd part is the media buttons):
Observation:- Remote: App fails to lower volume through use of OnAudioFocusChangeListener when performing microphone search :
Steps to recreate error:
1.Install and launch the app
2.Select new game
3.Press A or Select
4.Once the introduction starts perform microphone search
Actual result:Observe app does not lower volume during microphone search
Expected result:App should lower down/mute volume during microphone search
Observation:- App continues to play audio after the user has exited the app :
Steps to recreate error:
1.Install and launch the app
2.Select new game
3.Press A or Select
4.Once the introduction starts press home button in the controller
Actual result:Observe app continues to play audio after the user has exited the app
Expected result:App should pause the audio on home button press and resume the audio when app is relaunched
Observation:- App does not make use of Media Buttons for gameplay but still controls the Media Buttons (prevents Play/Pause input of music applications). : In media playback, the media buttons behave as expected.?? In non-media apps, the media buttons should not be used for some other function, as this may interfere with the system's ability to control media playing in the background.Note that If your app uses a framework such as Unity/Corona/Gideros, you may ignore this requirement , as the ability to pass key events through to the system is not supported in those frameworks.
Having just tested it I can confirm that audio doesn't pause on hibernate, even when using the workaround suggested in a previous thread. (music is fine)
Has this bug crept back into this patch?
I will look into the sound not pausing when I get into the office. Does your game use the media buttons ?
No, the version that was rejected had nothing mapped to the media buttons.
@BlackCloakGS Thank you for adding media button support on the remote. Very much appreciated!
Several problems with iOS Simulator support :-
1) When game initially loads and is designed as 'landscape only' the simulator looks to rotate the view port but instead chops the contents.
2) When any of the alerts show, Tweet sheets, Game Centre, etc. they show as portrait even on landscape views.
3) Is the keyboard supported? not getting any response from keyboard mapped controls.
FYI - I got the message about the Media Buttons but Amazon still passed my game.
Observation:- App does not make use of Media Buttons for gameplay but still controls the Media Buttons (prevents Play/Pause input of music applications). :
In media playback, the media buttons behave as expected. In non-media apps, the media buttons should not be used for some other function, as this may interfere with the system's ability to control media playing in the background.Note that If your app uses a framework such as Unity/Corona/Gideros, you may ignore this requirement , as the ability to pass key events through to the system is not supported in those frameworks.
That's good to hear. Sounds like the reason I was rejected was due to the audio not stopping on hibernate.
Unfortunately I use lots of looped audio files, and long audio samples which I why it was obvious when testing my game.
@BlackCloakGS - is there any news on this audio bug? It seems that it is only in this latest patch as my previously published game does pause audio on hibernate as expected.
We have a fix for the audio rejection that does not introduce a crash in the viewer. We should have an update out to you guys late Monday.
Any news on the table-memory-problem fix?
Do you acknowledge that there is currently a problem / is a fix coming / will be one released one day? I'm in the dark here.
Hi GS team. I've been having a strange issue for almost a week now, and I'm not sure if it coincides with me updating to Yosemite 10.10.3 or not. The issue is that I saved my game as a new version using save as and it does not show up on the recent projects list even though I've been using it and saving to it for days. This makes me have to click on the open button at the bottom of the recent project list which then opens a finder window and crashes out GS completely everytime. So the simple work around is to not launch the GS app directly but to find my project in finder and either double click it or right click and do open with GS.
It would be great to get that and the massively slow performance along with everyone elses issues fixed soon. So please GS dudes release another nightly or RC version as soon as possible. Thanks and keep up the great work!
We have pushed a new set of binaries with: Fixed sounds not pausing on hibernate on Kindle and Fire TV devices.
The simulator is always all orientations. You can submit a feature request to have this changed.
Please file a bug for this.
We don't support iOS keyboards please file a feature request.
@BlackCloakGS My game on FireTv just got approved after working on it a month and a half,lol.
They also gave me these issues, said my game circle button not working and I D/L and tested and it's not working but it worked perfect in Ad-hoc testing, but I always seem to have this issue with Amazon I will try and fix this shortly. (This is fixed forgot to associate security profile).
Second they say my B button does not cycle back through menu's which they don't because I used the select/back button should we use the B button on amazon?.
here's screen shot said same thing for both stick and Tv.
So I fixed leaderboard and I also changed from using the back/select button to using the "B" button to cycle back through menu's and all is good now.
@BBEnk In the dev portal click your app and then click the security profile tab, make sure its associated.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Yea I just did that I forgot,lol thanks anyway.
No anyways, just thanks and bow.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Well that wasn't it,lol something else is wrong. I'm wondering if theres any real reason to have a leader-board button when hitting the home button shows just that. think I'm just gonna take it out.