Free graphics for my friends ( and others)
Ok guys, guyesses, children and other animals.
Here is the deal:
1 one free image per forum member who is over 90 years old and has their great grandparents signed permission to do so.
No really I want to give a little back to a great forum and offer to members 1 image of their choosing, 600x600 pix vector drawn, in transparent PNG.
Nothing too complicated, I'm still getting to grips with inkscape as opposed to my pen and left hand.
It could be a logo, profile pic or simple gui button for your game.
I will be doing this for 1 week until the 16th of April.
I was only joking about the age restriction.
A logo pic with the word "Gija" would be sweet. Something cool.
Really cool of you to do this @ogreofwart
Think you could make me rocket?
I'm on to it guys, be later on today I like to do my drawing in the evening when all is quiet in the house and my wifes watching telly
Right first come first served @jsorr2. Hope you like it and heres the direct dropbox link to download.
Here you go @FallingBoxStudios
and the link:
Hi! Thanks alot for the offer! Could you do me a Pixelated Tank Wars Logo?
Sorry @TheGidroOne I'd love to but my pixel art is not up to scratch yet.
I'm just offering simple vector drawn stuff. Can you think of something else for me to try?
Looks awesome! thanks
Ready and waiting people, getting bored.
Hey @ogreofwart,
Making a photo editing app called YoGo Photo Need a logo!

Seen so much spam of late I thought I'd post my own
I'll give it a go @KillerPenguinStudios
Random idea...

Super Pig's Assault Menagerie!
You are Super Pig, and you need to gather a group of animals to fight against the oppression of canned, over processed food products! (Android) | (Android) | (Android)
Cool Idea @summation you write the code and I'll sing the theme tune.

cue canned laughter.......ha ha ha
Some suggestions:
"Stand by your can" , "Live and let Sty"
You could subtitle it "MAN OF SWILL"
Here is my effort @KillerPenguinStudios hope you like
and the link:
Who changed my picture?
The link had changed!!!!!!
Two more days left.
Thanks for taking the time to do this @ogreofwart
I try to set a limit of about an hour, to see what I can think of and draw in that time.
Its good practice, it reminds me of my college days when my tutor told me the best practice is to draw something moving, like kittens, it sharpens your observational skills and doesn't give you time to worry about mistakes too much
@ogreofwart If you're still offering this, and have the time, I could use a dogleg left golf hole to place in an app I'm working on.
Thank you so much
@jsorr2 Still waiting for a reply from the message we sent you...
Here you are @docj I've PM you the link after the holiday pic from an anonymous source fiasco.

" alt="" title="" />
Roll up, roll up.
One more day and I'll start charging an astronomical fee for my work
Check out my site for ideas of what I do.
Last day any more takers?
Came across your link again, and just wanted to say thank you once more. You do great work!
Thanks @docj .

That's it folks for now.
I will be doing this again in the future, cos I enjoyed the challenge.
Yes I guess everybody that
And this is all I did this time