White Screen

JamesBoucherJamesBoucher Member Posts: 433
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Any why to fix the project when you start it and everything is gone (White)?


  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Are all your graphics missing? Is that what you mean?

    If so, try restarting GameSalad.

    If the images don't come back, take the last good version of your game and right click on it. Select 'show package contents' and you'll see a graphics folder.

    Select all your graphics. Then go into your blank project, delete all your graphics in it, and drag in the graphics you selected earlier.

    That should do it, hope it helps!

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
    Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io

  • JamesBoucherJamesBoucher Member Posts: 433
    When I do a show package the only thing I have are images and screen shots. All other folders are empty. All the xml files are gone.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Your graphics are in the 'images' folder - sorry - my mix-up.



    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
    Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io

  • JamesBoucherJamesBoucher Member Posts: 433
    Yes my graphics are in the image folder, but thats it. All other folders are empty and NO XML files.
  • JamesBoucherJamesBoucher Member Posts: 433
    I'm pretty sure that I'm screwed. This has happened to me about six times. Twice I've not been able to recover my changes. I've just lost 12 hours of work. There is NO reason why a crash should wipeout all your work. Please build some kind of a recovery for this, instead of deleting everything in the project.

    PS QS thanks for trying to help.
  • jonbeebejonbeebe Member Posts: 49
    6 times? ouch.

    It happened to me once and I lost everything. I later found out that it was because I dragged a behavior from a different project into my own (that was in 0.8.7, I guess that was fixed in 0.8.8).

    Anyway, ever since that happened, this is what I do to prevent it:

    Everytime I save (usually after I add a new behavior or update an existing one or make a significant change--I'm a bit of a save freak), I simply go into the Project folder on my mac (I have it opened at all times), hold [option] and drag the project file into the folder. That creates a copy of the project. If I have an old copy there, I delete it first.

    That way, if my project gets wiped again, I won't have to back-track too far. It can be a bit of a hassle at first (I just look at it as another step in the SAVE process), but it's well worth it if your game gets wiped.
  • BecjrBecjr Member Posts: 2
    I'm not sure if the problem I'm having is the same, but...

    This is my 1st time opening/using GameSalad, and as I'm trying to set things up and explore the software ever time I click the 'add' / 'subtract' buttons ('+' / '-') to create new SCENEs or ACTORs everything in these respective screens disappears. The only way I can make them visible again is to toggle click between the 'Home' and 'Scene' buttons at the top of the window (near the 'Back' & 'Forward' buttons). This also happens if I create any 'Tags'.

    This is more like 1 step forward and 2 steps back than enthusiastic productivity.
  • strykingdistancegamesstrykingdistancegames Member Posts: 14
    I'm having the same problem- every image is blank after the update
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