Game not running how i want it to
hey guys i've created a flappy bird style game but when i preview the game it doesnt run how i want it to, for e.g. when the character hits an obstacle instead of the game ending the character goes through it, also the game scoring has problems as well for e.g. if i manage to go through 3 obstacles final score still says , there are also a few more issues was looking for some insightful help please.
Sorry to hear that you're having problems with your game.
There's no way that anyone can provide insightful help when we know so little about your game.
What rule condition and behaviors are you using to try and make this happen?
Still says what? And again, how is your scoring system set up? How can you tell it's not working and what would it look like if it did work correctly?
I'm assuming you didn't want to make your post too long but if you're having a bunch of problems you might consider hiring someone to either teach you to use GameSalad or do the work for you. Otherwise, keep posting with more details and screenshots (upload them to a file-sharing service and then embed/post the links here) and people will be able to help you better.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
This site is tutorial based and has great customer service too if you need some one on one questions answered! Just putting it out there.
They also have a training series just on building a Flappy Bird clone!
best of luck
@JennyLynn007 $1499 is a little steep just to learn how to make a flappy bird game.
I did a free flappy bird style game tutorial if you want to check it out.
It's hard to offer advice on what you have so far since we don't know what you've actually coded with behaviors. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
By the sounds of it, you haven't coded it right.
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