Where is the devices tab that allows you to change the "device" you are using when previewing?

Aymanhawk23Aymanhawk23 Member, PRO Posts: 7

I'm sure someone has asked this before because it seems so blatantly obvious on a Mac but i can't seem to find it on Windows....OR I'm missing something really obvious.

Best Answer

  • BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Posts: 2,250
    edited March 2015 Accepted Answer

    That feature is not in windows but will be add with the Windows 0.14.


  • DuesDues Member Posts: 1,159

    Im not sure about Windows version, but on Mac tou need to press the preview button before you can change the device.

  • Aymanhawk23Aymanhawk23 Member, PRO Posts: 7

    That's was my question because when I do press preview nothing shows up while on Mac it obviously does I am wondering if it is somewhere else

  • Aymanhawk23Aymanhawk23 Member, PRO Posts: 7
    edited March 2015

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