Free game audio worth over $10,000!
The website listed below is releasing tons of game audio files worth over $10,000 for free!
I thought someone would be able to benefit from this.
"We couldn’t make it to the game developers conference this year, but wanted to do something special for the community. In celebration of #GDC2015, we have teamed-up with many of our suppliers to offer all of the #GameAudioGDC attendees and non-attendees a large number of premium sound effects (hand-picked) from each of their libraries."
Wow. Just a note for everyone that it's 10 GB of files, so a substantial download.
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Many thanks for sharing but the site stated that the download is "not available".
Ive just contacted them directly and requested a private download link which Tim provided. Ive sent him the forum post link so he can advise you more as he is release more free stuff next week!
I also confirmed with him that these can be use for commercial use and for use in your games.
Thank you for sharing @RabidParrot
There is no need to wait, here is a torrent link for ya
Think twice before using any of these audio files without explicit written permission.
Here is Sonniss' EULA:
1.1. This Sonniss EULA is a legal agreement between yourself (the Licensee) and Sonniss, the Licensor. In the Agreement, the party who is granting the right to use the licensed media will be referred to as "Licensor” or “Sonniss”, and the party who is receiving the right to use the licensed media will be referred to as "Licensee".
1.2. All of the sound effects libraries on Sonniss are licensed, not sold to the Licensee. By purchasing any of the sound libraries on Sonniss, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions laid out within this EULA.
2.1. Before placing an order on Sonniss, you will be asked to agree to these Terms. If you refuse to accept these Terms, you will not be able to order any of the sound libraries on Sonniss.
2.2. These Terms and any Contract between the Licensor and the Licensee are only in the English language.
3.1. The Licensee may use the licensed sound effects library/ies, as part of (a) project/s they are involved in, for the entirety of their life time.
3.2. The Licensee can use the licensed sound libraries for the purposes of synchronisation with audio visual projects the Licensee is involved with, which includes but is not limited to: games, corporate video, presentations, multimedia CD / DVD ROM, student / festival/amateur films, audio books, hardware and software products, electronic devices, software applications, advertising, YouTube and social networks.
3.3. Licensee may modify or change the licensed sound library/ies as part of (a) project/s they are involved in as long as they are within the terms of this agreement.
3.4. Licensee may share this sound effect collection with friends.
3.5 Licensee may use any of the sound effects in this collection for commercial projects.
4.1. Sell the sound libraries or contents of any of the sound libraries for the purposes of commercial gain.
4.2. Modify any of the sound libraries with intent to claim authorship.
4.3. Use the sound libraries to enter into any uses associated with, or encouraging, illegal or illicit activities.
4.4. Any of the sound effects libraries on Sonniss may not be sold onto third parties in any format whatsoever other than is granted to the Licensee.
5.1. The price of the sound libraries will be set out on the Website at the time that the Licensee's order is placed. Prices for sound libraries may change from time to time, but changes will not affect any order that has been accepted by the Licensor with an Order Confirmation.
5.2. The price of the sound libraries includes VAT (on both the product page and shopping cart) at the applicable current rate chargeable in your country (Only for buyers within the EU without a valid VAT-ID). Otherwise, no VAT is added to your order because Sonniss is below the VAT threshold. However, if the rate of VAT changes between the date of the Order Confirmation and the date of delivery, the Licensee must pay any increase, unless the Licensee has already paid for the sound libraries before the change in the rate of VAT takes effect.
5.3. Payment for sound libraries go through PayPal.
6.1 Licence Fee: In consideration of the Licence the Licensee will pay the Licensor the fee set out on the Site. Upon purchase, a lifetime non-transferable, non-exclusive Licence will be granted to you, both for commercial and non-commercial use.
7.1. The use of the Website by the Licensee is governed by the Terms, which apply to any Contract.
7.2. All personal information is retained and used strictly in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
7.3. The Licensor may contact the Licensee in connection with the Contract by using e-mail.
8.1. When registering to use the Website, the Licensee may set up a username and password. Where this happens, the Licensee remains responsible for all actions taken under the chosen user name and password and undertakes not to disclose their username and password to anyone else and to keep them secret.
8.2. When providing any information to the Licensor, the Licensee undertakes that all information provided via the Website is accurate, current and complete, and to notify the Licensor of any changes which may mean that the information is inaccurate.
8.3. A Licensee may only purchase sound libraries from the Website if they are eligible to enter into a contract and are at least 18 years old.
8.4 The Licensor accepts responsibility for statements and representations made by its duly authorised agents. It is the Licensee’s responsibility to check that they have identified and are referring to the correct version of the Terms, which is current on the date upon which the order is placed via the Website.
9.1. The order process is set out on the Website. Each step allows the Licensee to check and amend any errors before submitting the order. It is the Licensee's responsibility to check that they have used the ordering process correctly.
9.2. After an order has been placed on the Website, the Licensee will receive an e-mail acknowledging that the Licensor has received the order (Order Confirmation). Once an order is placed, it becomes legally binding on the Licensee. This will also include the download link/s for licensed media. The links will be active for 4 days, with a maximum of 4 downloads for each link.
9.3. It is the responsibility of the Licensee to ensure that the Order Confirmation is complete, accurate and correct, and to inform the Licensor immediately of any errors. The Licensor is not responsible for any inaccuracies in the order placed by the Licensee.
10.1 The Licensor has the right to terminate this Agreement and the Licence if the Licensee breaches any terms of the Licence.
11.1. The Licensor operates the Website The Licensor is a company registered in England and Wales under company registration number 09377364.
11.2. The Licensee can contact the Licensor by e-mailing at For notice in writing required by these Terms the notice may be provided by e-mail, to the Licensee's email address provided when registering to the website.
It may be necessary for the Licensor to revise these Terms from time to time, including for the purposes of:
12.1. Changes in how payments are accepted; or
12.2. Changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements, which apply to the Royalty Free SFX libraries.
12.3. Every time the Licensee places an order via the Website for Royalty Free SFX libraries, the Terms in force at that time will apply to the Contract between the Licensee and the Licensor.
12.4. Whenever any changes are made to these Terms in accordance with this clause, the Licensor will keep the Licensee informed by stating that these Terms have been amended and stating the relevant date of the changes on the Website.
13.1. The Contract contains the whole agreement between the parties relating to its subject matter.
13.2. Each of the paragraphs of these Terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
13.3. These Terms will be governed by and interpreted according to English law. This means a Contract for the purchase of sound effects libraries through Sonniss, and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or these Terms will be governed by English law. All disputes arising under them will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
@Sowsh Anything in specific you are trying to point at? Because if its about the payment or contract then you have to be aware that the purchase price for this collection is $0.00
I just skimmed through it ,so if i missed something please point it out so i can look at it again.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@Lovejoy Sure.
First off, there's apparently a torrent link in this thread somewhere which seemingly bypasses acceptance of the EULA.
Second, 3.5 and 4.1 seem to contradict each other in that though we "may use any of the sound effects in this collection for commercial projects," (3.5) we may not "sell the sound libraries or contents of any of the sound libraries for the purposes of commercial gain." (4.1) Does this then imply that any commercial endeavors that make use of the aforementioned audio files must be distributed without intent for commercial gain, i.e. entirely free?
Third, 6.1 and Section 12 also seem to contradict each other in that 6.1 outlines a particular fee structure "the Licensee will pay the Licensor the fee set out on the Site" (6.1) whereas Section 12 mentions "Royalty Free SFX libraries." (12.2) It is not clear if the audio files in question are meant to have Licence and/or Royalty fee payments attached to them. Additionally, the exact amount of said License Fee is not mentioned directly in the EULA.
This is why one must download it from the appropriate site.
What this is referring to is that you can use it in your commercial projects, but you can't just sell the sounds in the library. Fore example, you can't upload certain sounds from the library and sell them for $1 each.
For 6.1 the particular fee that it mentions is the $0.00 that is stated in the website.
The section 12 you mention is referring to what royalty free is, which is the right to use material without the need to pay royalties or license fees (in short). So as of stands now since that is the definition then there is nothing to worry about. This line is just stating that if the definition of royalty free changes itself then you must be aware of it.
So for example if in a year, royalty free changed to the use of material without the need to pay but much attribute the composer, then after the fact you download the library, you must attribute the composer as stated by the new royalty free. Again this is an example.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@Lovejoy There should be a section in these forums strictly for lawyers.
Although it would be helpful to some, Gamesalad itself could potentially get involved in certain matters without ever wanting to. So to play it safe and away from legal drama, its probably best for Gamesalad itself to steer clear of any legal matter not pertaining to them.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
@Lovejoy So, you are a Board Certified Attorney qualified to interpret English Law and advise GameSalad on legal matters, then?
No, what i stated on my previous reply was based on my opinion. I'm in no way associated with Gamesalad Inc.
Edit: Aside from being a customer.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
No, you are free to use the library in commercial products, but you cannot sell the library itself (or parts of the library).
The fee for licensing these audio files is $0 (which with the current exchange rate is around £0 or €0.00
) - there are no royalties to pay on usage as the library is royalty free.
The fee is set out on the website.
"6.1 Licence Fee: In consideration of the Licence the Licensee will pay the Licensor the fee set out on the Site"
Just to be clear, section 12 is not defining 'royalty free', it is simply outlining out how the Terms within this particular EULA may be revised.
Correct, i don't believe i said otherwise.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Whoops! Yes, I just re-read what you wrote, you're right, I misread it !
Anyhow, basically like you say there is nothing in the terms to worry about
OMG!!! I totally just LOL'd on that! That just made my day! HAHAHAHA
The CEO of the website actually created the torrent file because word about this collection got passed around the net so much that there server couldn't handle all the people downloading 10g files. Enter Torrent, a super efficient way to transfer large amounts of data without having to hammer a single server!
The terms and conditions wording have been brought to his attention via reddit gamedev:
Check his user history above and comments here:
For more information, but essentially you just can't resell them, that's it.
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I've got the files! Thank you @RabidParrot for the info and also to @MarcMySalad for the link. What a collection! Good legalese dialog in the forum as well. Thanks to all.
Awesome! Thank you for sharing. Downloading it now.
Tanks for sharing!
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
PROBLEM WITH DOWNLOAD!!! The link provided gave my iMac a VIRUS!!! Been trying to eliminate with no success. Only browser still working is Safari (for now). Very frustrating. Be wary if you download from this sight. (Sorry to be negative, the music is awesome, but the consequences, at least for me, are proving not to be worth it. Best of luck to all.
Looks like a got the virus while downloading utorrent software to open the file. Still can't get rid of it.
The file itself may be ok, just be careful.