Fire TV Screen Problems

I have been having this weird problem with Amazon.

Currently I am trying to porting my game to Amazon Fire TV. Since it was really a simple arcade game, all I did was to include the support for Fire TV remote. I did not change any image in the game as the game was built with a Universal Setting already included in it. And I also ticked all the orientation boxes in the project (Portrait and Landscape).

So I submitted my game to Amazon. And I received this email from them..

I tried to look back into the project, I DIDN'T make any modifications. And then I republished my project into GS, generate a new one, and resubmitted it to Amazon. And then I received this..

It was the same project, no modifications at all (except that for the second submission, I did sign the app, the first one was not signed). How come it could cover MORE than 100% AND LESS than 100% at the same time?

Have anyone been having this problem? Could the "orientation boxes" that I had ticked be the cause of this problem because my the game was initially built for Portrait only orientation. Is there something that I am missing here?



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