Poo Dodger!!

vlasovlaso Member, PRO Posts: 19

Poo Dodger is a dodging frenzy! Dodge all the poo that the birds drop in order to survive the longest. The longer you survive the higher you are ranked and score! Coins can be collect and are generated every 5 secs, this will allow players to take advantage and purchase upgrades from the store. These items include: An extra life and a Shield.

  • Extra Life:
    This helps the player to survive longer as it allows the player to be hit once by dropping poo. The cost of 50coins is obtained through consistently playing the game.

  • Shield:
    Also helps the player to survive longer, at the value of 30coins. The shield is activated and usable until it is hit by a dropping poo. Once hit, the shield disappears after 3 secs.

Available for Download on iTunes @ https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/poo-dodger/id963573932?mt=8&uo=4
Website: juiceygaming.weebly.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/juiceeygaming
Facebook: www.facebook.com/juiceeygaming

Please follow, like and review. It would be must appreciated. And download (of course)


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