Want to set up Free Templates, Sounds and Graphics website, Need Advice!
Hey guys. So I've got around 20 templates that I've built, and that number is growing daily. They consist of full games, basic graphic-less games and other useful tools. Ive also got a lot of handmade sounds that i made using Logic Pro, and random graphics done through Illustrator and Photoshop. I would post these to the Forums, but i think it would be nice to actually have a website where people can actually go to and browse through the options. Only problem is, ive never built a website before in my life! Can anyone with experience in this sort of thing tell me where a good starting point is to start building this kind of website? Cheers
I'd check out Wordpress.com
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
@jamie_c ok thanks, ill look into it. Is that what you used for Mostly Creative?
Hello again ! So the website is coming along nicely, slowly getting my head around everything. Cant wait for it to go live. Currently have 26 templates, 32 sounds, 6 soundtracks, and lots of random graphics to upload. They will all be free of course. I have one question though, regarding templates. I see that most templates that i download are in iPhone 5 resolution. Is this for a reason? or is it just because it is the default resolution when you make a new project? I would have assumed iPad would be the way to go to build these templates in, for Universal builds and all. At least thats what i have done on all of mine. Cheers!
If you're subscribed to Adobe CC, Muse is actually a pretty easy way to make website. Took me a couple of hours to learn Muse and make mine, although I did keep things very simple!
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
@Armelline ok thanks for the advice, i think id would like to make my website similar to yours. Id prefer to make everything free, I don't really want to sell anything, but that could change in the future depending on how long i spent on the template. I might incorporate a Donate button though.
@MarpCark I'll send you a pm, I have an idea in mine
may i have the link to this site please?
Adobe Muse, in my opinion, is the easiest "do it yourself" way to make a website. Other options include Adobe Dreamweaver and Wordpress. If you want real easy, Godaddy has tons of templates. All of these should not be too difficult. Good luck on your site. Send me a link when it is finished and I'll check it out.
sign up using a hoster such as bluehost, or godaddy, just instal a wordpress client and your all set, theres tutorials all over the internet for these kinds of things, give it a search