Scene not working


After I changed the scene color of one of my scenes, it worked just fine.
But the next day, when I started GS opened my project and then clicked the scene I altered the color of, GS crashed.
I did this a few more times, but did not get it to work. Then I tried if I could get to the scene in preview mode, that worked, but the back ground was white and the camera was not tracking the actor.

Then after closing the preview I was able to 'enter' the scene again. At least, kind of. Because I can drag everything around and modify everything on the scene BUT I can't change the scene attributes, because that screen in still showing the attributes of the scene I selected before I selected that scene.

Also I noticed that I can't change the camera and can't find the camera on the scene. AND the scene doesn't have a background.

So please, anyone help me! This project should be done tommorow and don't have a good back-up (shoud have made one...)



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