Orcs - Update Adding Quests and Archers
So the first little update for the Game Orcs is out.
Adding a new quest and a second building screen, that teases that more content is added but does not yet have any, instead linking to the Facebook page.
The new Quest 4 added a thread that overlaps from the quest screen to the building/tapping/chopping screen.
A projectile that is shoot against the orc tower taking away % of the total wood you own.
The only way to remove this threat is to finish the new quest.
Which requires faster tapping the closer you come to the actual quest price because the arrow takes % and not a fix value of your wood.
On Android the update is out since a week and most players already finished the new challenge and ask on Facebook for more quests. On iPhone the approval is yet to be given by apple.
So if you want to support me guys please like Orcs on Facebook, Share and care.
I already finished the next update, adding Archer Orcs to the mix. He will walk behind the warrior and shoot an arrow once a while. You can also upgrade him up to level 99, as you can with the Orc Warrior.
This is a small Teaser for the new guys.
Here is also some footage of the early gameplay.
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@BigDave I love this game!
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
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@BigDave How long did it take to make?
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
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1 month it took, i build it out of the basic cookie clicker for the Pewdiepug game.
So it is a iteration gameplay wise.
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@BigDave I just PM you the information for the site that tweeted about Gigi and Lily which lead to over 5,000 downloads in one day. Check it out man. Add it to your contact list.
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
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Twitter is a great way to build a contact list fast because it searches for similar sites, thus doing a lot of the searching for you
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
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Presently, I use twitter, Facebook, and youtube.
Although Facebook is limited.
Presently, I am looking to create a Twitch channel that is interconnected with a youtube channel for cross promotions. However I am busy creating more games in order to place within this cross-promotional system. Eventually, I would like to partner with other Devs and promote each others work via this network and websites.
Lastly, I simply research and build a contact list of key blogs and websites that fit the genre of my specific games. For example, about to weeks ago I had my single largest download day every for my Gigi and Lily App. I had over 5,200 downloads in a single day!
I was able to tie the cause of those downloads directly to one tweet by a site. One tweet lead to over 5,000 downloads in one day.
Honestly, it’s a lot of work building a contact list of key websites and blogs. Even though most will never contact you back I believe it’s still one of the best strategies for indie developers with no marketing budget.
Do you have excel? If so I can send you a template of my contact list. Granted it is mostly for children themed educational apps but it will give you an idea as to how you should build your contact list.
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
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i did not know that thanks mate
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@BigDave Sorry, I meant to post the above response sooner.
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
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No problem
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
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What the-! is that a tactical nuke? And a Tank? woah!