Spawning Actor Timer

So i have actors spawning in, I trying to change the spawn rate after X score/time is achieved.

So i have one actor that spawns the other actors in every x seconds. But instead of a number I have an attribute in the box. That attributes number is set to 4 integer. When X time has passed that number is reduced to 3 and so on after x time. But Currently testing if it works with an actor that I've made to change that value every time i press on it. The spawning actors\ still spawn at the same rate even when i press on that actor. I've even tried it with a score value. They continue to spawn at the same initial rate that i have the attribute set to at the beginning. Any help please?


  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited February 2015


    In the Spawner actor:

    After X seconds
    ••• Spawn some actors
    ••• Change X to new value
    ••• Destroy this actor
    ••• Spawn the Spawner actor.

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