Can't Publish! >:(

peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Got my sis online, ready to test an app for me - here's the message I get when trying to publish;

"Error during packaging, please try again later: Cannot compile package for GameSalad Creator 0.8.5."

Is this that common thing I hear about the server being down, or is it something else?

Please help, this would be the first time anyone has ever tested my game - I wont have my iPhone until later in the month - desperately want to see if it works as intended.


  • expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
    Why are you using 0.8.5?
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    Because with everyone constantly posting about issues in new versions and their games becoming broken, I didn't want to update just yet.

    Why - are you saying that is the problem? Or are you just posting because you want to find out why I'm using an older version and don't actually know the answer? >.<'
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    you wont be able to publish with 8.5, we're now on 8.7, there was a grace period for 8.6 but i think even that has now ended. Upgrade to 8.7 and it should be fine ;)
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    Gah. Ok. Thank you.

    *prays to the Gendai Gods not to destroy her games when she updates*
  • expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
    I was posting because I may think that's the problem
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    It's resolved now - thank you. Because you didn't say anything specific to the problem/solution it sounded as though you just wondered why I was on the version, so I got confused ^-^;
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