BubbleABC - the app for preschoolers!

2create2create Member, PRO Posts: 90

AppStore link : https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/bubbleabc-anglijskij-dla-malysej/id845120476?mt=8

Even toddlers can begin learning letters and words with BubbleABC! All you have to do is gobble up the game’s never ending bubbles!

The child gets a result for every bubble he or she taps, whether it be a letter or an object.

By gobbling up a bubble containing a letter, the user gets that letter and five items related to it. Then, by gobbling up a bubble with an object, a picture and the name of the item appear.

The name of the item is also made up of bubbles, and by gobbling up any of them, five new words appear.

AppStore link : https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/bubbleabc-anglijskij-dla-malysej/id845120476?mt=8

Yops – the innovative puzzle game for iOs – http://apple.co/1ESvIlC
Other games - http://appstore.com/flashpromllc/


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