Making Coverflow-Similar Menu?
At 0:05 seconds you see his menu that drags down to reveal more space, I recall awhile back tshirtbooth doing something like this and making a video (on an old forum post of mine people posted his video on this but it has since been made "private"). Searching this effect it appears as most people call this "Coverflow" effect? Anyways, searching this up, the results of people's are seeming to be something a little different, attempting to use their templates it seems to involve 10+ actors, 10+ attributes etc and over 100 behaviors. If I recall correctly tshirtbooth did it with much less complication and much less time consuming.
I have taken an example of what I want here:,pYgfrIH#1 (taken from cookie clicker collector 2 for ios)
Are there any, generally simple ways to achieve this? Any YouTube Tutorials for this? I don't mind a slight bit of work to achieve this effect however, the majority of these other "similar but not what I want" videos, they include a massive amount of unnecessary things. I just want to keep a few things in place, and allow for a scrollable menu like shown in the picture.
Also, if I do achieve this, as shown in the picture, the players are able to "buy" things and upgrade their things, will this still be achievable? Thanks in advanced!


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