^What I've done so far :P
Questions for you to answer !
- What features other than survival (working on) and eliminate (thenemy) should i add ?
- Should i add a store to make it a free app with real life money upgrades and an inter app currency ?
- Free or Paid as it is now?
Ed .
Thats actually a pretty awesome game. Well done man. Increasingly harder levels is all thats needed.
Dont have Iapp for this type of game, just spam Ads.
Replace the "X left to destroy" with little images of the enemy tank, and remove them one by one when they get destroyed.
On a side note I see you're using the free images For your Buttons. I'm using the exact same ones haha. Small world
I Agree with jsorr2. Nice job!
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
Check out our other GameSalad exclusives.
looks cool so far!
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Looks great, where in the Midlands are you from Ed.
Loughborough here
@jsorr2 - great idea , thanks and ahah might change them if it's a bit too obvious , did you get it from open art?
And @deepblueapp , thanks Darren , and I'm in Warwickshire
@Ed_Perkin I cant recall exactly but it was a huge pack of icons from mozilla fire fox or google (some big company) to be used by indie developers
nice :P they are quite nice tbh @jsorr2