Collide with transparrent image?

Hi is it possible to use an image I created in illustrator/photoshop which has transparrent background so the file would be .png or .ai can I use this as a setup for my platform? Say if I wanted a predesigned map to be my game and everything, every wall basically needs to collide with the actor

  • Rexh


  • jsorr2jsorr2 Member Posts: 279

    You can do anything you want. You can use most image files. Say you had a 200x200 transparent image, but had a little square in the middle 50x50. You can make actors collide with the whole 200x200 image, or you can make another 'invisible' actor that is 50x50 and put it over the square and have actors collide with that.

    Just make a lot of actors that are walls have collision inside of them. They can be visible or invisible, and you can change that in the graphics options within the actor.

  • rexhrexh Member Posts: 2

    Is there any way I don't have to make invisible actors for my walls, so it just reads the png file to read so the transparrent part of my image doesn't collide without making tons and tons of actors to add on the walls?

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,379

    @rexh said:
    Is there any way I don't have to make invisible actors for my walls, so it just reads the png file to read so the transparrent part of my image doesn't collide without making tons and tons of actors to add on the walls?

    No, unfortunately not. However, if you're making a platform, why would it need any transparent space?

  • rexhrexh Member Posts: 2

    @Armelline said:
    No, unfortunately not. However, if you're making a platform, why would it need any transparent space?

    I'm trying to make a maze which is so much eaiser to create through photoshop in the scale I want it, and then just transfer it over in GameSalad. Point is to be able to move through the maze between the lines

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    If you imagine that each square below is an actor, it sounds like you're trying to set it up using the top image where each actor contains part of a path. You might consider having each actor represent an entire wall instead, as in the bottom image.

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