Art turned out really bad.. Whys that?
Well this is my second app I'm making and my first one didn't have this problem.. I made all the art for an iPhone 5 which is 320 by 568 I'm using portrait.. but the iPod I have is a 4 gen it has a 320 by 420. I've done this before without a problem. I tried using overscan and stretch but the art keeps looking horrible. I turned off preload art on everything because it was a issue before and I have RI checked. I made all the art on inkscape it's mostly texts and I have to 2 characters... they're just two balls nothing fancy at all.. So I honestly don't know what to do. Please help
Try it with RI unchecked.
... they're just two balls nothing fancy at all
I've used that one before.
He's here all week, folks. Try the fish.
Drum roll . . . cymbal crash.
@sock & @slickzero I was wondering what if I changed everything to iPad format and then tested it out. I saw a comment by @jamie_c that iPad sizes are the easiest to do & its very easy to format to iPhone & iPod touch. I don't own a iPad but I own a iPod 4 gen. But I do know someone who owns a iPad.. So what if I just resized my art work for the 786 by 1024 & then use iOS universal .. Would that be something you guys would do?
or should I make my artwork 2 or 4 times the size I really want then have RI checked? I want this to be HD on all platforms if that's possible. I'm very confused when it comes to making artwork cause if you make it the size you want & it looks good on your iPod it most likely will look bad on the iPad due to how big the screen is compared. I don't want my artwork to have that stretched look on any platforms. I want to avoid that at all costs.
If you made the art 568x320 than that is your problem. Need to double it or 4x it for retina display devices
Did you try my suggestion above, to try it with RI unchecked ?
@socks sorry yes. I tested it out with RI unchecked. It look a little better but it didn't have that crisp look.. it still kinda looked cheesy to me. @socks & @Tiny_Ideas my greatest fear is that I have things that have to interpolate to a specific position & I have walls that are supposed to keep the actors in place. So if I did make my art work 4 times as big will it know to resize to fit all that in & interpolate to the right positions?
Me personally, I alway design for iPad in GameSalad. What I normally do is drag a blank actor on the screen, and adjust it to the size I want that particular actor to be. I then take note of the size of the actor, and in Photoshop/Illustrator, I make the image, but with double the size of the actor I used in GameSalad. And I always make minor size adjustments to make sure the dimensions are divisible by at least 2, if not 4. I always check the RI box, and I don't have issues doing it this way, personally. Images are RGB, and saved as .png
@slickzero okay! Ill do that & give you feed back on how that works out. But the iPad size is 768 by 1024. I thought any image thats bigger than 1000 px doesn't work with game salad because its to big! & then I shouldn't have any interpolation problems with smaller devices like iPhones or iPods right? What I was going to do is just have a transparent background thats double the size. Or Would you recommend me making the characters them self double the size?
"Cheesy" = no good.
"I took a screenshot and zoomed and the edges seem to be aliased, here is the orginal and here is what it looks like on my iPod" = good
That's your greatest fear ? Mine is that sharks will evolve wings, can you imagine that, flying sharks, living on roofs and nesting in the park, keeps me awake at night.
Actors positions, movements, size, rotation, rules (and so on) are not effected by the size/resolution of the images applied to them.
Experiment !
Make a 200 x 200 pixel actor, apply a 200 x 200 pixel image, get it to do something, interpolate its position, get it spinning around and changing colour (or whatever) . . . now go back to the image (eg in Photoshop) and make it 4 times the size, reapply ths new image to the 200 x 200 pixel actor, and hit preview . . . . any changes ?
Your images can be as large as 2048 x 2048 pixels.
Don't know what that means.
Both ideas sound terrible
I'm not sure I understand them, but they sound bad !
@socks thanks for that clarification with habit of humor lol.. I just tested out my app withe the bigger art and it looks great on my iPod I'm going to do some tweks tomorrow! thanks bro saved me once again
@socks one more quick question! whats the difference between stretch and overscan?
Twerks or tweaks ?
Stretch stretches your game to fit a screen with a different aspect ratio, overscan trims some of the visual area off to make it fit the new aspect ratio.