size limited to publish the game ?
Is there a size limited to publish the game on App Store or googleplay ?
like 10 MB or 20 MB ?
or it's okay with any size ?
Best Answers
jamie_c Posts: 5,772
I'm afraid that is not accurate, I believe the current max app size for cellular downloads from the Apple App Store is 100MB.
Not sure about GooglePlay I'm afraid, but I imagine a google search could tell you.
BBEnk Posts: 1,764
iOS App binary files can be as large as 2 GB, but the executable file ( cannot exceed 60MB. However, consider download times when determining your app's size. Minimize the file's size as much as possible, keeping in mind that there is a 100 MB limit for over-the-air downloads.
got this from a search
robertkdale USAPosts: 912
Yep Socks is right. Up to 2GB for wifi downloads and only 100 MB for mobile over the air downloads. I am currently working on an iPad app that will be just under 300mb. I believe most users use wifi with their tablets.
As result when developing my iPad apps I try to keep them under or at 300mb as I don't worry about the 100Mb over the air mobile limit. 300Mb gives many plenty of more room to work with creatively. Also the new iPads are rumored to be twice a powerful!
**I can't wain for GS 0.13 update as I am looking forward to the new rendering engine as well as memory leak improvements. **
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mc99093 Posts: 133
Google play we are limited to 50mb since we aren't able to use the expansion files.
Socks London, UK.Posts: 12,822
@djdee said:
My previous game Fubuu exceeded more than 20 mb and i was unable to publish it cuz it showed an error saying file exceeds limited size. I was forced to bring it with in 20 mb and publish it.I think that is only for the GameSalad arcade, ikad was asking about size for publishing on the App Store or Google Play.
The GameSalad arcade has had that 20MB limit for a long time now, it would be cool if they could increase it at some stage in the future, if not the disparity between apps on the App Store (even those sticking within the mobile limit of 100MB) is just going to grow, I can put bigger attachments in emails even using lowly Hotmail !
. . . . .
EDIT: Missed jamie_c's post, basically, what he said . . . 20MB is for the Arcade only.
@jamie_c said:
The Gamesalad arcade has a 20MB limit I believe.
Yes there is a limited to size. 20 MB is maximum.
You are out by a little, the actual limit is 10,000% that size !
Apps can be as large as 2GB, and mobile downloads are limited to 100MB.
My previous game Fubuu exceeded more than 20 mb and i was unable to publish it cuz it showed an error saying file exceeds limited size. I was forced to bring it with in 20 mb and publish it.
The Gamesalad arcade has a 20MB limit I believe. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
@jamie_c @BBEnk @robertkdale @mc99093 @Socks @djdee
Thank you so much . Your discussion helped me a lot
gd luck all