Having a problem with animation being fluid

AdjerraAdjerra OklahomaMember Posts: 3

I'm still all new to this. Right now I'm working on creating a platformer game using the original megaman graphics so i can learn how to create the various rules before i use my own art. I drew up the graphic myself using PixelAtor cause it was easy to use to make and save the pictures and then i noticed that it left a large collision space around character. So I found the program Graphics Gale to help with cropping the images, all images are same height just various widths and I cropped right upto the image edges, but now when i put them together to animate running it looks like the actor is now expanding and contracting as he moves. Please help.

Best Answers

  • MalkovichMalkovich Posts: 116
    Accepted Answer

    Hi @Adjerra, all of your images must be the same size (height and width) for an animation because gamesalad adjust every frame to the actual size of the actor, when you crop make sure to reduce the transparent area in the same way for all of your frames. I hope i´ve helped.


  • SocksSocks London, UK.Posts: 12,822
    Accepted Answer

    @Adjerra said:
    yes that does help. that leaves me with what got me into the problem which is it makes alot of empty space around each picture if i keep them to the same size

    Use two actors, one to do the bouncing, colliding and all that, and a second actor that just holds the animation. You make the 'collision' actor invisible, and constrain the actor with the animation to the 'collision' actor. The collision actor is the one the player controls.


  • AdjerraAdjerra OklahomaMember Posts: 3
    edited October 2014

    yes that does help. that leaves me with what got me into the problem which is it makes alot of empty space around each picture if i keep them to the same size

  • AdjerraAdjerra OklahomaMember Posts: 3

    @Socks said:
    Use two actors, one to do the bouncing, colliding and all that, and a second actor that just holds the animation. You make the 'collision' actor invisible, and constrain the actor with the animation to the 'collision' actor. The collision actor is the one the player controls.

    Thank you so much. Both answers have helped me drastically get rid of alot of the fustration of know the answer was right there.

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