Roate behvoir
Hello! Well I'm using a red ball actor I found one thanks to the people on the forums . But instead of making multiple animations I wanted to use the rotate behavior this is really my first time using this. (It saves me time and it makes it look like the ball is really spinning.) I told the ball actor to rotate clockwise at a speed of 90 but when it collides with something it bounces but I already have "bounciness" turned to 0 for all my actors. Then for some odd reason it spawns the "gameover" actor I made the it destroys... Idk why. I thought the rotate would just rotate the image and that was it.. Is there any possible way I can rotate the ball without using this behavior or something or I'm I doing something wrong?
The rotate behaviour just rotates the actor. Your question is not easy to read (well at least for me), it's very confusing !
@socks yeah that's what I thought but it's just not spinning the actor its doing that & some other stuff