Game design issues and art updates - quite simple tasks -
First of all I am looking for someone who is willing to help me without a payment/small payment in the beginning. Later on I will pay more and more the more help I get. Please keep reading, the job shouldn't be too hard for a skilled GS maker.
1) In-game help: I bought a template and I'am confused about some actors. For example. I want a new actor (a cage) that acts exactly the same as the present actor (a box) but I want the cage to have some features EXTRA. when I copy the rules for the box and paste in the new actor (the cage), it will act the same (moves) but not as smooth as it should be.
Other in-game help is needed but I don't know where to start. I want my enemies facing a direction (up,down,left or right) and act the same as trainers in Pokemon would do; they walk to you with an ''!'' if you try to walk past them and then they will battle you. The battling in my game will mean game over because you dont want the enemy to see you.
When those 2 things are done I can finally start building my levels!
2) An art designer is always welcome! My game will be seen from aboven. So when my caracter moves I need 4 different angles. I don't need a very skilled designer. A based skilled designer will do the trick.
3) Of course, my game will be #1 in the app-store some day (yeah keep dreaming)
All credits go to the people who helped me in the process!
And I hope I can do something back for the community also one day!
If you are interested in working with me, please let me know. I would be very happy.
Thank you,
Asking for free assets (e.g. art) is against the forum rules. And while it's fine to ask for help with a specific issue you're having a hard time with, it's not fine to ask for someone to work for you at length without pay. I'm closing this thread. If you have questions about the rules, please read the sticky posts at the top of the forums (Rules and FAQs are good places to start) and send me a private message so I can explain a bit more.
If you'd like to offer payment in exchange for programming or artwork, for example, let me know and I can re-open this thread with your edits.
As for a template that you purchased, your first line of support should be contacting the seller/maker of the template.
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