Having an educational app with no advertising

naydi306naydi306 Member Posts: 18

I just started making apps this year. My first app "Fizzledee Shoo" I created for my children. I just resently updated it. I am working in GameSalad Creator not Pro, yet. When I published it, Revmob and Chartboost were checked and greyed out so I could not uncheck those boxes. I went ahead and published, because I wanted to have my kids and their friends download it. Now it has a bunch of adverstising all over it that I didn't want and I don't get anything for it. I would really like to get it off. It's an educational app. I tried to sign up for Revmob because if it's on my app I should be compensated, but I couldn't even sign up for it. Revmob's website seems to be having issues. What the hell. What can I do to change this?


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