Download Issue?
hi, I've currently been trying to download free templates from other sites to gain ideas such as DBA and Jamie Cross but once i download the file and run it nothing happens, its just a blank gamesalad project screen. Is it because I'm not using Gamesalad Pro? Pls help it will be much appreciated! Thanks
What are you on? Windows or Mac? @Bluebot_Games
Windows @http_gamesalad
@Bluebot_Games You might need to convert them . Just follow this video
If that doesn't work I would say send me one of those files youre having a problem with. I can open it up on my windows computer and see what I get. If I get it working Ill send you a zip and see if that starts to work for you!
YES!! It actually works. Thank You so much
No problem
@Bluebot_Games btw I recommend you to ask on "Working With Gs (PC)" because I think the "Art, Graphics, Music and Sound" only work on making Art, Graphics, Music and Sound LOL not really fixing issues with Gamesalad. Good luck on your games can't wait to see it on itunes
Yeah I know haha its just that this category was most popular. Thanks good luck to you too
I have the same issue. My fix was to open the project/template from within GS rather then opening the template first. It works for me so give it a go and let me know.