falling actor "squish" another actor

The game Im creating involves an actor (block) that spawns from the top and falls to the ground. I was wondering how I could get the falling actor to "squish" (destroy) another actor (the player) when it lands on top of that actor. But if it doesn't hit the player, the player can jump on top of it. I tried using the rule when player collides with block, destroy player. But that makes the player destroy even when it jumps on top of the block.

Best Answer

  • gamestudentgamestudent Posts: 504
    Accepted Answer

    @Mendez perhaps you could create a boolean attribute called falling, and set it to true.when it is true, and collides with the player then destroy him. then create a rule that says when it collides with the ground or with another one of the bricks then change it to false. hope this helps :)


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