Dreaming In Binary & Spend Stack

bluebyu25bluebyu25 Member Posts: 500


I used to be an active member here a few years ago. In fact, Gamesalad was my first taste of any sort of programming. A lot has changed. I have a degree in Computer Science, a full time iOS development career, a baby boy, and I started a business - Dreaming In Binary! I remember this community being a very inviting one, and even though I am no longer part of it, I know just how much fun and rewarding it is to be involved.

As for Dreaming In Binary, our first app, Spend Stack, releases this Thursday. It automatically finds your local sales tax to help you shop smarter (US/UK/CA only). If anyone is interested, here is a trailer:

You can also check us out at www.dreaminginbinary.co for blogs, Objective-C/Swift tutorials, Unity tutorials, and more. For twitter folks out there, I'll be at @dibsoftware. I wish this community all the best and I have nothing but great memories of it! It helped spark my love of programming, which has lead to a very exciting career.

  • Jordan
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