I want to do this image in illustrator

I want to do it with only one square can you help me?


  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    edited August 2014

    @agueis said:
    I want to do it with only one square

    What does that mean?

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  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990

    Are you saying you want you oval + effects within the square (canvas)? Is it exporting out incorrectly? Show us an example of what you expect it to look like.

  • agueisagueis Member Posts: 420

    I saw this example in:http://all-free-download.com/, this image has been done with
    a simple square of 3 colors (a Gradient radial)
    here is the example:


  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990
    edited August 2014

    I am not sure what you mean. Gradients do not consists of simplified colors (3 colors). That is an entirely different form called tone shading or tune shading and is a category category of NPR.

  • agueisagueis Member Posts: 420

    You can open the example in illustrator, and you see it

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    This whole thread makes no sense ! :)

  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990

    @agueis I am lost. I know what I mean, but I have no idea what you are talking about.

  • MarcMySaladMarcMySalad Member Posts: 158

    It is a beautiful image though, makes me even happier :)

  • agueisagueis Member Posts: 420

    I´ll try again, this image has 3 colors , is a gradient square: -black , for the sky,dark blue for the planet , and light blue for the Brightness of the planet, i want to know if with only these color and a square yo can do it. I´m spanish i don´t speak english very well.

  • MarcMySaladMarcMySalad Member Posts: 158

    If your question is "can I somehow make an image like that directly withing GS without importing any images" then the answer is no. You need to create the graphics (google illustrator tutorials) and then import the pre-made image into GS.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @agueis said:
    I´ll try again, this image has 3 colors

    There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of colours in that gradient.

    @agueis said:
    is a gradient square

    Looks like a radial (circular) gradient to me ?

    @agueis said:
    black , for the sky,dark blue for the planet , and light blue for the Brightness of the planet

    The sky and the planet are both the same colour, dark blue.

    @agueis said:
    want to know if with only these color and a square yo can do it.

    Do you want to do this in Illustrator (your thread title is: 'want to do this in illustrator') or do you want to do this in GameSalad ?

  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    edited August 2014

    I think he means it uses 3 colo(u)rs in illustrators colo(u)rpallet. I think it even only needs 2.

    Like this (there is also an illustrator file attached):

  • agueisagueis Member Posts: 420

    Yes lumpApps like this with 2 colors, do you know how to do it in illustrator? , i should study more english in the academy when i was a child , intead of playing double dragon in the arcades

  • agueisagueis Member Posts: 420

    Well , i want to use 3 colours , because i want other different colour for the planet

  • agueisagueis Member Posts: 420

    The problem is that if i use a circular gradient of 2 colours, the planet is in the middle of the image x and y 0, i want to know how to put the planet in the left bottom corner

  • agueisagueis Member Posts: 420

    One last question, this is an standard , Isn't it?, everyone can use this image,Isn't it?

  • agueisagueis Member Posts: 420

    This is done by my

  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881

    Not at the mac anymore today, sorry. I think you can use 2 lines if you'd like different colors but I am not sure...

  • agueisagueis Member Posts: 420


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