Kind of Quiz

I´m new in Gamesalad. Befor I found this program, I tryed to learn Java. That worked, until I got in trouble with Database.
Because of that I am still very angry with that, but I still wants to see my App idea in the international App markets.

I tell you something of my App idea. The App is a kind of quiz app. Pro task It should set a Picture and and a discribing Question on the Screen. The Result is al Number. These three Objekts change with every Task and should be present in a Database Table. The tasks are randomly assign. Every task the user have to make a input (Number). The Target is, to get as close to the Result Number as possible.
There is also query, like if else. So if your tipp is not further than +-10% from the Result away set a score / Counter +1 und play the next task. Else set Counter/Score 0.
To accomplish this, the program have to calculate the toleranz of +-10 Percent.(How is this made?)

Can someone help me with that?
How should i start?
Do someone have a good example?

For everyone who read this, thank you and sorry for my bad English :#

To give you some Tipp for the Context: the price is right :D

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