Actors displaced when continuing work on other computer

SerajSeraj Member Posts: 10

Hello everyone,

First of all I´m relatively new to GameSalad and I´m really enjoying it so far.
Right now I´ve encountered a problem after I tried to open my project on another computer, pretty much every actor got displaced / moved offscreen and some of my rules don´t seem to work out fine.
Since I´m pretty new to all of this, there might be an easy solution to this, but I couldn´t seem to find one so far.
I would really appreciate some help and if you need more detailled information etc., feel free to ask me.



  • SerajSeraj Member Posts: 10

    Thank you for the link, solved the problem with my actors.
    New problem now: The preview window seems to be an issue - in your link there seems to be a comment about it:

    @Hopscotch said:

    A few users have mentioned problems with the Preview Window:

    either the whole page is white and empty or the black preview pane appears but the actual preview does not play. This apparently happens about 50% of the time, going back and reopening sometimes works.

    It seems that this problem is related to the graphics driver. In the case where I was able to reproduce this, updating the graphics driver to the latest version solved the problem.

    So i get the problem with the empty preview page and reopening sometimes works, as Hopscotch said, but when I get past that, my game seems to stutter and some sound effects won´t stop playing after being triggered once.
    To me it seemed like a drivers problem but my drivers are all up to date.
    Also yes, both computers are Windows computers.

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