Tank Movement and correct angle to waypoint location

ZombiebrainsZombiebrains www.zombiebrains.co.ukMember, PRO Posts: 296

Hi folks

I was wondering if anyone knew a good tutorial to help me get my tank to move in the correct way.

Currently I have a tank actor who faces right automatically and when the player presses the screen it records the mouse positions X & Y as Tank Pos X & Y.

I can then set the waypoint to the new position and get the tank to move to the waypoint but I need to to rotate to the correct angle and go in a straight line as at the moment the tank actor just moves to the waypoint without it facing the waypoint!

Does anyone know a good trick to get my actor to face the right direction and move to its new waypoint.

I've been struggling for a while and getting nowhere fast.

Thanks all

It takes a Zombie to know a Zombie!!!


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