Score count not working properly.

HappyGOLUCKYHappyGOLUCKY Member, PRO Posts: 102

Hey guys,

So, I have a score counter and score displayer which displays the high score. Someting like this..

inside the actor lets call it (bullet) I have a rule that says if game.score(which is of type integer) is more than game.bestscore(also type integer)

do change attribute
set: game.bestscore to game.score

Then a save attribute

save game.bestscore as bestscoree

(I put this rule inside an actor that triggers the game over screen which displays the bestscore (highscore) actor.

For some reason the score is sometimes off. For example I'd get lets say 80 points and it would say 83. Not always but sometimes, could this be a bug?


  • ImNiklasImNiklas Member Posts: 103

    Is the regular score always correct or this that wrong sometimes too?

  • HappyGOLUCKYHappyGOLUCKY Member, PRO Posts: 102

    @ImNiklas‌ The regular score is always correct. The only problem is the best score.

  • jigglybeanjigglybean Member Posts: 1,584

    Looking at your attribute, you are switching the best.score to game.score - theres your problem I believe, or in that area.

    You need if game.score >(greater than)best.score
    save game.score as best.score

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  • Gene4GamersGene4Gamers LebanonMember, PRO Posts: 57

    I think the error is here :
    do change attribute set: game.bestscore to game.score

    you should say set game.score to game.bestscore


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  • HappyGOLUCKYHappyGOLUCKY Member, PRO Posts: 102

    @Gene4Gamers‌ The official youtube gamesalad tutorial says to do it the other way around. Being..

    if game.score > score

    Change attribute
    game.bestscore to game.score

    (which is the way I have it)


  • jigglybeanjigglybean Member Posts: 1,584

    Ah ok. then have you added a save attribute after? Or if you are using tables, save table

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  • HappyGOLUCKYHappyGOLUCKY Member, PRO Posts: 102

    @jigglybean‌ I added a save attribute after the change attribute set game.bestscore to game.score (right under)

  • jigglybeanjigglybean Member Posts: 1,584

    and did it work?

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  • HappyGOLUCKYHappyGOLUCKY Member, PRO Posts: 102

    @jigglybean‌ It does save but the game.bestscore doesnt match the game.score sometimes, at times it adds a couple points..

  • jigglybeanjigglybean Member Posts: 1,584

    Then you've a problem with your rules somewhere. I suggest you look through all the score attributes. Or try using tables.

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