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Member Posts: 73
I'm really struggling to make a 3-star level select system and also a world select system I need 5 worlds with 12 levels in each. Please help me. Can someone tell me all the tables and everything I have to do to make one. I don't want a template since I've already made the game just need to build these things in. I use windows BTW
stueynet made a nice video about level select using tables -
And you can check out this video as well -
These are not done in Windows, but the concept is still the same, just a different interface.
Thanks for your help @SlickZero
@SlickZero I can't the loop over table behaviour???
We have a free 3 star level select template over on DBA.
It's really easy to add more levels just drag and drop and change one table integer.
Please note to open with 11.0.13 right click to "show info" then change the extension to .gameproj as it was made with the older RC version of GameSalad