
Hi, I'm working on a game right now, I'm almost done with it. I was trying to figure out how to control the camera to move with a character and that stuff, I watched 3 videos on it and I figured it out, and I did EXACTLY what the videos said and it worked, well sorta. The car hits the tracking area, and the camera moves with the car until to a certain point, then it leaves the screen and the camera doesn't move with it. It leaves once it reaches the end of the camera but I can't put my camera across the whole screen, cause when you preview it, everything's a bit crammed in (My screen's 4300 wide)... So my question is, is there a way for the camera to follow the car through the whole screen and if not what am I suppose to do? Sorry, I can't post screenshots of the rules right now cause I don't have the screenshot feature in GameSalad on my PC, but I'll post some later if you need some.

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