Question about icon size
So a quick question.
Does the icon have to a certain size before submitting? Or can I just submit a 200 by 200 pixels image and they would scale it down? If it does have to be a certain size what universal size should it be (in pixels)?
(using photoshop)
512 x 512 Or 1024 x 1024
@gamestudent I heard 57x57
Recommendet Size is 1024 x 1024 and 72dpi rbg in *.png
Once submitting, it will be converted in to all necessary sizes...
@3DMA what does that mean --> 72dpi rbg and how do I know if I have that set?
And 1024x 1024 pixels?
When you create your project and submit it to GameSalad in order to generate the actual APP, you will need to have your Icon (without roundet corners) as a png file in the dimensions 1024 x 1024. During the App creation process, this file is gona be copied and resized to the respective requierments by Apple, which are as follow:
App Icon
for iPhone 5 and iPod touch (retina) and iPhone and iPod touch (retina)
for iPad and iPad mini (retina)
for iPad 2 and iPad mini (non retina)
App icon for the App Store
This are the REQUIERED icons.
Now the RECOMMENDET icons:
Spotlight search results icon for iPhone 5 and iPod touch (retina) and iPhone and iPod touch (retina) and iPad and iPad mini (retina)
Spotlight search results icon for iPad 2 and iPad mini (non retina)
Settings icon for iPhone 5 and iPod touch (retina) and iPhone and iPod touch (retina) and iPad and iPad mini (retina)
Settings icon for iPad 2 and iPad mini (non retina)
Toolbar and navigation bar icon for iPhone 5 and iPod touch (retina) and iPhone and iPod touch (retina) and iPad and iPad mini (retina)
Toolbar and navigation bar icon for iPad 2 and iPad mini (non retina)
Tab bar icon for iPhone 5 and iPod touch (retina) and iPhone and iPod touch (retina) and iPad and iPad mini (retina)
Tab bar icon for iPad 2 and iPad mini (non retina)
24-bits png...
Those are RECOMMENDET icons, not mandatory.
BUT you don't need to worry about anything of this. I just wanted to show you, what actually needs to be done if you create the App yourself using Xcode for example.
But as GameSalad takes care of all this, all you need to do is provide an png image with 1024x1024 and you are safe.
dpi means "dots per inch" and means the density (dots) within a line of one inch.
Nothing to worry about for you either.
RGB is a color profile, or color model.
All you need to do is, using for example Photoshop, create a new file, select size 1024x1024, color profile rgb and dpi 72 (you CAN use 150, but no need here)
and then create your icon. Once done, select "save as.." then choose PNG and save it.... that's it.
I hope this helps you, and maybe other users, to understand a little bit the proces... if you have ANY questions, just ask them
I try to help
this is a perfect description of what needs to be done! Thanks @3DMA another Jedi!