Help ?mode=pure no work!!!!
Member, PRO Posts: 10
Good afternoon, months ago you helped me to my games html5 could see at a larger size to 480 x 320, you sent me a code which was to place the post each game, the following code (?mode=pure), I have a problem I have posted and add new games (?mode=pure) the url but the view is 480 x 320 which should add code to view larger? URL The game is required to size 960 x 640 but "?mode=pure" does not work urgent help
does not work
@educareditores Please don't duplicate threads in future, even if they are in different GS Forums- it causes confusion, as well as duplicating threads being poor Forums etiquette; thanks. I'll delete your first one now.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
@gyroscope, ok
Cheers, @educareditores
I don't know enough to answer your question unfortunately; hopefully another member will be able to.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain