Disappearing Scenes

symansyman Member Posts: 6
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hi, I know this has been asked before but - lost most of the scenes in my game - think I have a rough idea of how to fix this - if I can find the additional files GS creates.

Trouble is I'm a little new to Macs and have no clue where any of the Gamesalad files are other than the gs application and the single game files for each game. I can't seem to find any additional files or folders for my games. Is there a way to 'show hidden files'. I have googled and also searched the gs forums but can't seem to find an answer I can understand.

Any help would be most appreciated as at the moment I've lost a good few days work :(


  • symansyman Member Posts: 6
    Thanks Rob that worked perfectly!

    It's been covered before but if someone lands on this thread in future here is how I fixed it:

    Open the 'corrupt' game file and create the correct amount of new scenes that you had before they disappeared, save it. Then make a 'backup' copy in finder. Right click ' Show Packet Contents' (thanks Rob) and do the same for the 'backup' you've just made. If the scenes are all in the scene folder copy them from your 'backup' scenes folder into the 'corrupt' scenes folder.
  • Rob2Rob2 Member Posts: 2,402
    right click the project file and then 'show package contents' ...its all there. Many files on Macs are actually packages and have a deep file structure.
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