a few problems
1.i cut the carecters in ps and delet the background.but when i import the image to gs the white background apear again.
2.i make 4 butons that each one open a new secen.i gut problem that when i press the red buton its open the blue buton secen.
3.my carecter somtimes drag down like she has a strange gravity.
i tried your advice on set up windows configurtion for gs;but thats make my carecter to apear only on the left side of the screen so i set it back to deafult
how do i fix that?
This is most likely a problem with your images.
There has to be an error in your rules. Make sure you are editing the correct button.
What are your rules?
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1.i cut pictures all the time and use them in web apps,i never had that problem.how the save the image after i cut it in ps?
2.i re check the buttons again and again,thares no mistakes.when i try to change the layers the red button open the blue secen and when i flip the layer the blue open the red.
3.the actors has 4 movement rules(up down right left,keybord,work good)
and a collide role that change the attribute
thanks for helping
Do you still have the background when you export the images?
Close and reopen GameSalad. If that doesn't work post a screenshot of your buttons. A button shouldn't just redirect to a different scene.
Try changing the friction/drag attribute. Without seeing the rules not much help can be offered.
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