Is there a way to spawn the (Instanse) of an actor rather then the (Prototype) of it?
I've made changes on an actor that moves in the game, but I want to spawn that image as non-movable actor rather then creating a new actor with the same image.
Best Answers
Spalding004 Posts: 89
There is no way to spawn an unlocked instance of an actor. You can make it invisible until certain conditions are met, but anything you spawn using the spawn actor command will be the prototype.
WHEN: (your condition) is (true, a number, however you want to calculate it)THEN: true
ELSE: false
Edit: If that doesn't work, you can also do:
WHEN: (your condition) is (true, a number, however you want to calculate it)
THEN: self.color.Alpha = 1
ELSE: self.color.Alpha = 0
Spalding004 Posts: 89
@colander said:
Visible can not be changed at runtime use alpha.Yep, hence my edit.
ok thanks