Movement up don't work properly

Hello everyone

I'm new to the Gamesalad and I'm trying to do some tutorials.
Yesterday i was trying to make my player to go up and down on the screen . i set up the background and i have made the player with all the conditions to (change velocity) move up when the up button and else elf.motion.linearvelocity x and y = 0 to stop it from moving .
I have done that for moving down too .

Movement down works fine and when i stop pressing down key it stops but when i press and hold up button player don't move and when i release it its going up and does not stop until i press down key .
I checked if all the rules are in the right place and conditions to stop are in else etc. . .

I checked many posts and i didn't find anything to solve my problem so i decided to ask . Pleas help i have a good idea for a game but Im stuck on the basics. :( :(

i was following this tutorial
and it looks like everything is working in his video.

I also think that i have newer version than the Man that made this tutorial because the layout of my gamesalad is soooo different.

Thank You


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