About the XP Meter Video using the table method

I've been trying my hardest to figure out the finally piece of this puzzle, which is how to fill in the (change table value) attributes for the red button actor and the xp meter actor to make it all come together and work. If anyone as done one like this template, please help or even has figured out what go's into that attribute so I can put this part behind me. I will be thankful for any info to help me complete this once and for all.

Best Answer

  • TRowe007TRowe007 Posts: 71
    Accepted Answer

    @ookami007 said:
    What EXACTLY are you trying to do? In other words, what effect are you looking for?

    Oh I didn't know this post was still out there. Someone informed me that I could copy and paste the table value into my game and just tweeck it to my table , and it worked so it's all good now . But thanks for getting back to me


  • ookami007ookami007 Member Posts: 581

    What EXACTLY are you trying to do? In other words, what effect are you looking for?

  • TRowe007TRowe007 Member Posts: 71
    edited July 2014

    Oh I didn't know this post was still out there. Someone informed me that I could copy and paste the table value into my game and just tweeck it to my table , and it worked so it's all good now . But thanks for getting back to me

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