Question about resolution infree version gamesalad
hi there. i am new to Game salad. only have free version(pc) atm. i am shooting for my graphics at a 960x640 res but i notice when i start a new project in game salad and click iPhone landscape and res independence . i notice the project shows it at a480x320 so my question was dose the free version of game salad only let u make res for older iphone ? hopeto hear back soon. thanks for your time
The free version of GameSalad is the same as the Pro version of GameSalad. Yes, there are additional behaviors and features but it's the exact same download.
To answer your question, when you use resolution independence, your image files must have twice the width and twice the height of the actors that use them. You can choose any scene size you want, including 568x320 or 480x320, but since half of 960=480 and half of 640=320, you've imported graphics designed for an older phone scene size. For 568x320, you'll need image sizes of 1136x640.
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and when i import my background the scnene states thats its 480x320. ihave to resize the back ground. am i doing something wrong?
i didnt see game salad project set at 568x320. so igetthe2x the size res of graphic and thank youforthe info. butdo i have to resizeto the right prject screen size?
Yes, if you are designing your game for an iPhone 4, 960x640 is the correct resolution.
Yes, the final product will be 960x640 pixels, but in GameSalad you work at 480x320 pixels.
Twice the size of what ?
I'm not 100% sure what your particular issue is, but the process is very simple.
You want to make a 960x640 pixel game ? So your background needs to be 960x640 pixels.
When you are working in GameSalad you will be working at 480x320 pixels. So that 960x640 pixel image will be squeezed into a 480x320 actor.
Hope that makes sense !
hey socks thanks for getting back to me. i get whatyour saying butwhen i make my backgroundin 980x640 i littirly have to resize it tothe gamesalad frame
am i doing something wrong . also i ment in previous post 2xsize ofthe res therez is . trying to figure out if i have to resize everything in thegame engine. cause thatswhatihave to do to all images
could be confusing the subject .when i say resizei meant to fir on camra in game editor. is that a normal action?
What are you using to generate your background image (Photoshop?).
yes sir. i make it in that 980x460 thin when i aplly the image to an actor thin dragb actor in scene i have to rescale to fit the camara in game salad. dose that with all images that what i am sapose to do? seems like im doing something wrong
Ok, could you open your background image into Photoshop, then open the Image Size window . . .
. . . then take a screenshot of this window and post it here.
hope this helps
Me too
can seem to upload picture =/
well in the image size window after clicking image>image size it read like this
-pixels dimension
weith :960 pixels
hieght:640 pixels
-document size-
wieth:33.86 centimeters
hight:22.57 centimenters
Resolution: 72 pixels/inch
x-scale size
x-constrain propasitions
x-resample imaages
(there a three are checked )
agiin i am sorry i could get a clean photo but thats all what it says .
That's all good, as it should be . . . . .
So when you import this image into your Legacy iPhone Landscape project (with Resolution Independence switched on) - then make an actor from this image - and drag this actor onto the scene - the actor appears twice as big as it should be (960 x 640 pixels) ?
yes esactly it shows twice as big
thin i have to resize to fit my scene camra . i worry by doing this i am sacraficing the integreity of my graphics . i dont want problems latter on publish
What process do you use to go from importing the image to placing it into the scene ?
i save as a png but i dont save under mobile device setting .. maybe thats my problem?
I mean what process do you go from after importing the image into GameSalad to placing it into the scene ?
i add image in images ,thin drag them to created actor thin drag actor to scene . thats when i have to rescale to fit camra scnee
Tell me if my translation is correct . . .
You drag the image from the Images window into the Actors window - and then you drag this new actor into the scene ?
thats correct