Improper Advertising Identifier [IDFA] Usage. Your app contains the Advertising Identifier [IDFA]

shonasenshonasen Member Posts: 40

i have no ads in my game but still received this error in itune connector after publishing the app"Improper Advertising Identifier [IDFA] Usage. Your app contains the Advertising Identifier [IDFA] API but you have not indicated its usage on the Prepare for Upload page in iTunes Connect."so can some one help me about this problem.


  • Thunder_ChildThunder_Child Member Posts: 2,343
    edited June 2014


    In the "prepare your app" page...for some reason I have seen that the answer to their question about indentifiers is by default...checked yes.

    Seeing that you are not a pro member you do in fact have a start up banner ad by default through you need to answer yes...and check the bullet that says distributes ads from within the application. Also check the one at bottom that says you agree to allow people to basically turn off ads in settings...or something like that.

    Be sure to watch my video on YouTube concerning this issue. About 3 minutes into the video.

  • marionwoodmarionwood Member, PRO Posts: 34

    I have a similar problem, but am a Pro User and should be able to opt for no ads. I have a game with 3 variations, a Lite version (Free), a Full version (Tier1 paid) and an Extra version (Tier2 paid).

    I'm making these three versions from one basic GS project. By setting a "version" variable to 1, 2 or 3 and then publishing, I get three versions from the same project.

    I'm a Pro user, and don't want any kind of ads in any of the versions. Lite (Free) and Extra (Tier2) uploaded fine, with the IDFA thing unselected. So here's the weird thing: the Full version, which was made from the exact same project, but with a single variable set to "2" came back with the IDFA rejection.

    The only difference I can see is that the Full version has existed for a while, so it was an update, whereas the other two are new apps. But what on earth that has to do with IDFA I cannot imagine.

    Any suggestions?

  • marionwoodmarionwood Member, PRO Posts: 34

    Update: I thought I had found the problem - between publishing versions 1 & 3 and version 2, I duplicated a scene as a backup for layout tweaks. In the duplicate, a bunch of 'Enable Advertisment' checkboxes in change scene behaviors got ticked again, when I had unticked them before (annoying...)

    But then I went through my whole app again to check every scene change for advert ticks, and found a couple of others hiding in a dark corner of a menu screen. I've unticked them now, but this means they were ticked in the two versions (1&3) that successfully uploaded a couple of days ago.

    So, thought I had an explanation, but actually still no nearer understanding. I can't report how the upload attempt for the new cleaned up version 2 went because the publishing website has stuck in the 'generating' queue... never a dull moment :(

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    edited July 2014

    I think the enable adverts only appears if you have the pro version of GS in the change scene behaviour?

    I have found this to be very annoying in the past but I'm sure GS will eventually work on a fix.

    We could make a free tool if this will help users?


  • marionwoodmarionwood Member, PRO Posts: 34

    Hi Darren - that's a very kind offer; for me it would help enormously to run a checker to untick all "enable advertisement" boxes, or even just give me a list so I could run them down manually.

    Meanwhile, the publishing servers got sorted out and I resubmitted my app, but got the exact same IDFA refusal.

    I've submitted a support ticket, but no reply yet - think they had their hands full with the publishing stuff. There are more threads on this issue popping up though, so hopefully there will be a solution shortly.

    Thank you so much for your help.

  • marionwoodmarionwood Member, PRO Posts: 34

    Update: I got the following report from GS support:

    Please re-generate the app and test it again. We made some additional changes to the publishing system that should resolve this issue.

    ...and... it resolved the issue :smile:

  • iKandyiKandy Imagineer of Crazy Shit New York CityMember Posts: 310

    A lot of good advice here. Thanks ThunderChild.

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