Distance between two actors taking a while to be recognized?

justinodunnjustinodunn Member, PRO Posts: 226

I used this method to set a distance from

I set it so, if one actor's distance is too close to the other actor, that one actor would stop while the other actor is moving until that stopped actor is out of the radius, then it will keep moving. The actors are spawned outside of the screen so this stopped process shouldn't show up (I'm doing this so that two actors wouldn't be on top of each other when moving). However, a problem is that sometimes, it seems that the actors take a little while to recognize the distance? For example, when both actors are spawned on top of each other, one should stop immediately while the other moves out of the radius. However, sometimes, both actors are spawned this process happens only in the middle of the screen (this is all supposed to happen out of the screen)

Any ideas whats happening?

I can upload my game file if you want

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