Help Saving a Keyboard Input to a table and displaying the table data with another actor.

irvazirvaz Member, PRO Posts: 5

Hi, hope someone can shed some light on this...

I would like the player to be able to type their name in when they first start the game and this be displayed at the top of every scene in the game.

I'm able to get the keyboard to display and can type in a name but the name doesn't display at the top of any scene.

I've created an actor with -

attribute playerName

and a touch is pressed rule

with a keyboard input behaviour that changes my playerName attribute

in the same actor I have a change table value behaviour that changes my player profile table row 1 cell 1 to my playerName attribute

My second actor that should display the name has a

displayPlayerName attribute

with a display text behaviour that displayers the displayPlayerName attribute

and a

change attribute behaviour that changes displayPlayerName to my table cell value from my player profile table cell 1 row 1

Can anyone help me on this!

Thanks :)


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