when touch is outside of the actor(on the background), game should get over

hey guys,
Need your help..
I'm designing a game in which when spawned actor is pressed/touched score will be incremented and but when background is touched or you can say when touch is outside the actor the game should get over..

got stuck with the 2nd part of the game that when background is touched game should get over..
i have applied a rule on background that when background is touched change scene to game over..but this is not working properly as when i'm touching my actor also game is getting over.

i have also tried this rule in my actor that when touch is outside go to game over screen..but this rule is also not working..1st time my actor is spawned and is touched score is getting increased but on the 2nd spawning whn touch is pressed it goes to game over screen..

any solution people for this????


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